
robertfry avatar image
robertfry asked

changing battery settings on my mppt remotely

i have a portal / console on pc for my victron system.

have cgx computer hub thing, and my mppt is connected to this via a victron cable.

how can i change the battery settings on my mppt without going to site and connecting via a cable to a laptop?

my mppt is a 150/70 - Tr

i'm not very technical so please be simple with your instructions :)

thank you

MPPT Controllers
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4 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Everything you need to know is in the article and video linked. But if you need clarification on anything don't hesitate to ask.

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robertfry avatar image
robertfry answered ·

thank you @Alexandra

i have been using the app and can access the mppt, but cannot change anything.

i will read through the article you sent me and see if there is something i'm doing wrong, although i did open the 2 way talk thing.

kind regards


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robertfry avatar image
robertfry answered ·

sorry to bother again @Alexandra. i think the problem before was i was not waiting for the cloud symbol to change to cog. i have 2 rolls 5000 series 475ah batteries wired to give 24v system. would you be able to let me know if you think the settings below are ok? on the Rolls spec sheet it doesnt say anything about absorbtion voltage, float voltage, equalization voltage and auto equalization days. regards, robert


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robertfry avatar image
robertfry answered ·

@alexandra. please ignore my previous questions, i have now found all the answers on the main Rolls website, under battery charging settings. Thank you so much for your help and giving me the instructions to get on with. so happy now everything changed by my mobile :) kind regards robert

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

I am glad you managed to figure it out.

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