
hookem avatar image
hookem asked

Adding Solar to Sprinter RV

The coach (WB Navion) is equipped with: (2 * 100) Zamp panels on a 30A PWM Controller, (2 * 125 Ah,) Lithium Batteries. and a Zantrex 2KW Inverter/Charger.

So here's my plan:
1) Connect the (2 *100) Zamp panels in Series and feed them to a Victron MPPT 100/20 Controller.
2) Add (2 * 210) Newpowa panels (Voc=39.6V, Imp=6.24A) and feed them to a Victron MPPT 100/50 Controller.

Did not want to mix panels, so opted for separate Controllers... Please ignore the "extra" stuff: Lynx Distributor, Smart-Shunt, Cerbo GX, and GX Display/Touch.

Question: Is 620W of Solar overkill for this system? leo5.png
solar sizing
leo5.png (437.8 KiB)
leo5.png (436.0 KiB)
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1 Answer
seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·
Is 620W of Solar overkill for this system?

No. Far from it. If you have room to install them, you could get 3 of those 210W panels (or two larger ones).

You could also consider removing the 100W panels and installing 3x210W (with a single charger), if you can fit them. Or two larger panels (~300W each).

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hookem avatar image hookem commented ·

The caveat is that factory-installed panels are quite expensive ($400+ a pop), so I'd prefer not to trash them. At least they're lightweight, but to your point, they consume precious roof-top space... But if I can find a buyer for the 100W panels, I may do just as you're suggesting!


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