
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) asked

Venus OS v2.70~8 available for testing

UPDATE 2021-05-03 evening: after ~8, we also release ~9 today, which adds on small change, see last bullet below.
UPDATE 2021-05-04: added ~10 and ~11, also for opkg, include the sdk packages in Packages.gz as well

Good day!

A new version is out for field testing, v2.70~8.

This post is intended for all people participating in the Venus OS Beta test program. Read that link for more information about the program.

To learn more about the changes made in earlier v2.70 beta versions, make sure to read these two links:

What to test?

Still the same as last time: basically everything. There are now multiple quite wide low level changes made: OE version update from Rocko to Zeus and the Linux kernel has been updated from 4.19 to 5.10. And as a result, bugs and regression may hide in the most unexpected of corners.

Change log v2.70~8

  • Linux kernel updated from 4.19 to 5.10 for CCGX, Cerbo GX, GX-Card in MP-II and ES-II products as well as the CANvu GX. And updated from 4.9 to 5.10 for the Venus GX. No change for the raspberrypi, that is still on 4.19.
  • Fix issue related to Garmin MFDs and the Victron App, because of which the App wouldn't work on the Garmin when doing a certain sequence of power-ups or reboots (ie Garmin first, or GX device first or other way around).
  • Recognise REC BMS, and show only supported alarms, ie hide all alarm types for which the REC does not send any status, rather than saying "OK" for those.
  • Tank monitoring: add fluid type 6, gasoline. To be in line with N2K spec. Note that this is not usable yet.
  • Fronius PV monitoring: further improve support for large systems by more intelligently quering the Fronius datamanger. Eliminated unnecessary reconnects, and because of that also reduces CPU load on the GX device. Tested at a site with 6 Fronius ECP PV-inverters, and works well: never disconnects now.
  • Enable the radio on by default, instead of blocking it until unblocked by navigating to the wifi menu page in the gui. This fixes it being impossible to configure the wifi on a rpi via VictronConnect/BLE without first going to said menu via Remote Console. Thank you @Stefanie for reporting - quite some time ago.
  • Fix the opkg feed not working. Most likely this was broken during v2.70 development. opkg is a developer feature, more information here.

Looking forward to your reactions, and all the best, Matthijs

Venus OS
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

added a note to above about ~9 release, which as also made today.

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8 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

I don't see fluid type 6 anywhere in the GUI code, only type 0 Fuel through 5 Black Water.

NOTE: My GuiMods and TankRepeater enhancements will not work with v2.70~8 until I make some rather extensive changes to support recent tanks changes.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

hi Kevin, right, the gui hasn't been updated yet, only the dbus-adc driver; I'll add that above - thank you. Similarly, the dbus-adc code now supports setting alarms for thanks. Ie. high level alarm, and a low level alarm. But not visible yet.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

My GuiMods and TankRepeater have been updated for the changes in v2.70~8/9. I did the work on ~9 because it was put up today as the latest candidate, but they'll work on ~8 as well. (The repo has on file set for ~8 but one will be created automagically.)

Some of my enhancements are now part of the stock code (e.g., tank names). The new mechanism to shrink the tank tile is better than what I did previously, at least it supports more tanks. It is retained, although I have a half step of repositioning the bar and reducing it's height as I did previously.

New repos:

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ray-mont avatar image
ray-mont answered ·

@mvader (Victron Energy) i see that version 2.70~11 is out for testing

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @Ray_mont thank you for spotting that. Another minor thing, its about more prebuilt optional to install packages for developers, by opkg. I'll add it to the notes above.

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Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·

Testing of the Raspi model 3B+for Ver > 2.70 venus software

Internal bluetooth works OK


6x relays outputs all OK

Digital inputs all OK

USB VE direct port, smart shunt, MPPT, Phoenix inverters,VE bus inverters all OK.

USB Energy meter PV meters all working OK.

WiFi now working with change to config file ?

USB Canbus not working

Canbus serial not working

VE Direct serial interface not working

Did a can0 dump, data is coming though just not being displayed

Did a analog screen dump analog data is there just not being shown up missing page information?

These dont work Analog input blank screen, Serial ports VE direct.

Screen brightness slider, not working? to fix this run this command: Thanks from Kevin Windrem.

dbus -y com.victronenergy.settings /Settings/Gui/AutoBrightness SetValue 0 (Now fixed in version 2.70.12)

Note: the venus.conf file is set to release so the opkg files are not down loaded so set to candidate to allow for the packages to down load.

Now the touch screen works after opkg update changed to candidate.

Screen timer works OK

Screen touch works OK

Loaded my standard script file from previous Ver V2.60.66 to test.


Rob D


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itsme avatar image
itsme answered ·

FW 2.70~9 on Raspberry Pi 3B+


WiFi -> OK

Bluetooth -> OK

VE.driect -> OK (tested with MPPT 75/15, BMV712, Phoenix 12/1200)

GX Tank 140 -> OK: analog sensors visible in I/O Screen


Screen Brightness (no slider)

Screen off / Screensaver: it's possible to set a time, but nothing happens

TouchScreen reaction: a little bit "nervous", not that smooth like FW up to 2.66

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thomasw-1 avatar image
thomasw-1 answered ·

Just observed a translation weakness in ESS menu.
It was in for sure earlier. Since I use the English menu mainly, I haven't discovered it before.
The item "SOC Mindestwert Enladung (außer bei Netzausfall)" expresses actually the opposite than intended. "Mindestwert" means in German that that value is expected be reachted.
A better translation could be eg. "SOC Entladungsgrenzwert (außer bei Netzausfall)"

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Noted, thanks!

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

I have discovered a bug in the handling of Adaptive brightness. At least on the Raspberry PI images, /Settings/Gui/AutoBrightness is being initialized to 1 (true) which prevents manual display dimmer control.

The GUI code (PageSettingsDisplay.qml) checks the AutoBrightness setting without also checking vePlatform.hasAutoBrightness.

Adaptive brightness is an option in Settings/Display & Language but it is hidden unless the platform supports it (Cerbo + Touch 50??). So the user can't turn this feature off, and since AutoBrightness is set can't dim manually.

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jw1971 avatar image
jw1971 answered ·

Hi - when might we see a large version of a newer image?

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi, I'll probably make one once v2.70 is officially released. A few more weeks.

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