
Thomas avatar image
Thomas asked

What does "Max AC current 100% of INom" stand for in the VE configure?


what does "Max AC current 100% of INom" stand for in the VE configure?


Missing information in the help system.

Maybe someone has detailed information on this.

Sunny regards


Multiplus-IIVEConfigure 3
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3 Answers
solarlion avatar image
solarlion answered ·

Push... Same Question still no documentation. Is this the setting for the german 70% Grid compatibility?

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larsea-dk avatar image
larsea-dk answered ·

This I'm pretty sure is the derating of the Multiplus acc. to grid code regulation. If your ie only are allowed to feedin approx 3,7kW to grid, this must be set at 80%. It is as far as I understand an Amp related value, so it of course depends on the present voltage.

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therealkasumi avatar image
therealkasumi answered ·

I had the exact same question today and also couldn't find any documentation about this. What I was looking for was some way to limit the maximum AC current, that can go back into the grid when using the ESS. I am aware that there is an option for the ESS to limit the inverter power. But this is no hard limit and can be exceeded for many seconds until it slowly regulates the power output. Since this was no option for my scenario I took the risk and tried the "Max AC current of Inom" option.

If you hover your cursor over the input field, it tells you for the MP2 48|3000 model that Inom is 11.08A. So I tried different values and got the following measurements on the AC-in:

100% -> ~11A
75% -> ~8A
50% -> ~5A

You see where this goes... So it seems to do exactly this. Limit the current that can be feed into the grid. This also seems to be a "hard limit" that is never exceeded. I will keep an eye on it over the next days to be sure it is really doing what I am expecting.

Keep in mind that you need the "grid code password" to change this value.

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solarlion avatar image solarlion commented ·
You can limit the Gridfeed in your Cerbo Settings in:

Settings -> ESS -> NetFeeding -> Max Feed

Maybe menu entrys are translated wrong because my settings are in German. But you can configure when and how much of the Excess go to the grid there.

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therealkasumi avatar image therealkasumi solarlion commented ·
Thanks for the hint ^^ . I also saw these options. The thing is that my setup is kinda unusual and this option doen't work for me. But it would be too much for this topic to explain everything ;) . There is a lot of DIY (hardware and software) involved.
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