
laurens avatar image
laurens asked

Can not connect with phoenix multiplus 12 1600 70 through MK3

I want to connect and set up two phoenix multiplus 12 1600 70 inverters to operate in parallel.

The inverter is operating from a battery and switched on. I tried connecting with different network cables, both work fine otherwise.

I tried connecting from two laptops Win7 Dell 64 Bit and Win7 Lenovo 64 Bit.

The MK3 shows up in the device manager as USB Serial Converter, the driver is working.

VictronConnect can't connect.

In VictronConfigure 3 I see Com 4 (USB Serial Port), when I click it it shows MK3 detected (VE Bus devices only), but then it doesn't connect and shows "Please select a communications port".

In Ve.Bus Quick Configure it says MK2 found on COM4, no panel detected and then an error message: Cannot find multi! Please retry. Note that multi must have a later version than 19xx105.

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2 Answers
ceriw avatar image
ceriw answered ·

it sounds like you may have an older multiplus, in which case, you'd need a MK2 to connect to it. What firmware is in your unit? It'll be on a sticker on the micro.

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laurens avatar image
laurens answered ·

Stickers on the electronics read:




A sticker on the case reads:

CMP012162000 IP21

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

As ceriw wrote you need a MK2 Interface for that more then 10 years old unit.

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ commented ·

That is an old VE.9bit device, it is not VE.Bus.

You need an older MK2 adapter to configure it with VE.Configure.

18xxyyy firmware is limited by the hardware and cannot be upgraded any further.
You cannot upgrade to 19xxyyy or 26xxyyy firmware.

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