
sv-denada avatar image
sv-denada asked

Orion TR Smart 12|24-15 Alternator Instal

Good day

I have two 70 Amp 12 Volt alternators on a buss bar feeding a Orion TR Smart 12|24-15 Unit.

The Orion is set at Lithium default (I have Lithium House Bank).

The problem is that the Orion does not switch on (charger).

This is on this Victron Connect App.

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Can you make a screenshot of VictronConnect?

Do you have plugged in the two pole plug?

1 comment
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sv-denada avatar image sv-denada commented ·

Hi Matthias

The remote termination plug is in. I can send you a screen shot.

Thank you

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