
roland1 avatar image
roland1 asked

firmware compatibility three phase system MultiGrid-II and MultiPlus-II

according the manual "VE.bus firmware version explained", it should be no problem, to match

2x MultiPlus-II: (software 2629481)

1x MultiGrid-II: (software 2625481)

together to a three phase system.

I use the latest VE-configuration tools, but it is not possible to do this.

An error messages in VE-Bus Quick configure tells:

Only Multis of same kind and with same firmware version are allowed!

Procedure will be restarted

Switch all devices off and press OK

What is the probleme?

Best regards


Multiplus-IIEasySolar All-in-One3 phase
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2 Answers
Volker avatar image
Volker answered ·

Hello - digging out this old thread.

Are those really devices really different types? The Info on the Victron MultiPlus-II site says

"Note: for a short period of time this product was called MultiGrid-II."

=> This suggests that this is just a labelling issue. In case those are really different types: what is the difference bethween the two?

=> if this is true, does it mean that 1-P MultiGrid-II systems would not be upgradeable to 3-Phase systems as the MultiGrid-II is no longer sold?

Thanks and kind regards - Volker

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yann avatar image yann commented ·

There was some hardware changes in multiplus II since the early models. Victron recommends to keep close serial numbers on devices when making 3 phases or // systems, to be sure the hardware version are identical.

So yes, today multiplus II hardware is a little different from multigrid models. So you may not be able to upgrade your system without replacing the device.

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The manual states:-

All units in one system must be the same type and firmware version, this includes same size, system voltage, and feature set.

The multigrid and the multiplus are different types.

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