
torquer avatar image
torquer asked

Fallo actualización firmware Multiplus 12/3000

screenshot-20210417-140425.pngHello. I have a multiplus 12/3000 / 120 with version 2609158.VFDUsually I connect it to the PC through VEconfig and MK3 to USB to modify some specific data.screenshot-20210417-165043.pngToday I wanted to connect from a Tablet to make it more practical, since I use a tablet for other devices.

Use OTG cable to connect.

Multiplus was updated to version V481 (see photo)

Nothing but that, it disconnected and does not reconnect. It is with Absorption, Bulk and Float LEDs flashing 1 time every second.

From Veconfig I can see the real battery voltage as well as the network voltage.

From Victronconnet I can also see DC voltage and Red voltage.

From the CCGX if I connect it, I can also see those values and even turn off multiplus.

From VeFlash I try to update again but I can't see the firmware file on my computer when I get to the photo I show.

What I can do?


Hola. Tengo un multiplus 12/3000 /120 con version 2609158.VFD

Habitualmente lo conecto al PC por medio de VEconfig y MK3 to USB para modificar algun dato puntual.

Hoy quise conectar desde Tablet para hacerlo mas practico, ya que uso tablet para otros dispositivos.

Use cable OTG para conectarme.

Multiplus se actualizo a version V481 ( ver foto)

Nada mas eso, se desconectó y no reconecta. Está con leds Absorción, Bulk y Flotación parpadeante 1 vez cada segundo.

Desde Veconfig puedo ver tension real de la bateria asi como la tension de red.

Desde Victronconnet también puedo ver tension CC y tension Red.

Desde la CCGX si la conecto, tambien puedo ver esos valores e incluso apagar multiplus.

Desde VeFlash intento volver actualizar pero no consigo ver archivo firmware en ordenador cuando llego a la foto que muestro .

Que puedo hacer?


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

you have to download the latest firmware from the victron energys professional web site and get the correct firmware version for your multiplus. (you will have to register first)

the version is written on the main processor chip under the front cover ????481 it will end with 481 ie 2609481 THE first 4 numbers must match the processors number

then use ve flash to reflash the firmware on your unit, this will reset everything to factory default, so any settings you have will have to be reset


1618738719698.png (395.9 KiB)
2 |3000

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torquer avatar image
torquer answered ·

Problema resuelto. 

He descargado el firmware de la página de victron y lo he cargado usando VE-Flash. 

Ya puedo controlar multiplus de Victronconnet en la tableta y el móvil. 


Problem solved.

I have downloaded Firmware from the victron page, and I have loaded it using VE-Flash.

I can already control multiplus from Victronconnet on the tablet and mobile.
2 |3000

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