Hi, I'm located in the USA. I just purchased a new Multiplus II 12V/3KVA/ 2 X 120 that is supposed to operate on both legs of a single-phase electrical supply. It shows on the electrical flow chart as a direct pass through from the electrical supply on L1 and L2. I can only get the inverter to see L1. There is no L2 showing on any of the software. When operating the inverter, it will only pull power from L1. I am currently only using my generator which is an Onan 7000 watt. I have checked and I have everything connected correctly. It will pull 30 amps off just one leg of my generator. I need it to pull off both L1 and L2. I’m not sure if I have the setting wrong or don’t have the correct software to operate the inverter correctly. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.