
Erik Sporns avatar image
Erik Sporns asked

Suggestion: Generic Digital in on gx devices


Im using a cerbo gx in my van with the large image for node red. Id be really convinient if one could define custom names on the digital inputs of the gx. E.g: im running a rainwater collection system and id like to monitor when its turned on and react to it with node red. The settings allow me to do that, but currently i have do define the input as bilge pump.

What id like to do is: give it the type "custom" with the name "Rainwater" and log into vrm when its turned on (same view as with relays).

Could this be a future feature or is this possible by modifying setting files on the device diretly?

Thanks a lot!


edit: I dont know if this belongs in Questions or Modifications, please move the topic if it doenst belong here.

cerbo gxVenus GX - VGX
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3 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

You can name the digital input from the Device List. Select the device from the Device List, then select Device. You'll see a Name parameter there.

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mariner62 avatar image
mariner62 answered ·

I am also very interested in this little upgrade. I'm using the digital inputs for a bunch of things, but none of them correspond to the standard labels. How about a little upgrade Victron :-)

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karelholubicka avatar image
karelholubicka answered ·

Well, after three years I can second that, it's hard to use digital inputs when they forcibly appear on main screen with a name you cannot alter. Or, for generic input, would be great just to have it silently - with no reference on main menu.

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