I am using 3 x 3000 Multiplus II and 2xMPPT 250/100 and 1xMPPT 250/60 on 20 kWh LTO batteries that I want to operate between 50 and 60V.
Unfortunately I do not really understand the absorption and floating parameters in the VE Configure Charget Tab.
Could you please verify and correct my understanding ?
Absorption Voltage is on 59.5 V
Float Voltage is on 59.5 V as well
That means that the Charger fills the batterie up to 59.5 V in "bulk" mode (withouth any amps limitation). At 59.5 it stops filling it and now I tries to stay as close to 59.5V as possible.
The difference between float voltage and absoption voltage is not clear to me.
Repeated Absorption Time is on 0.5hrs, absorption intervall is on 1 day, absoption time is on 2 hr.
That means that after 2 hours of absoprtion ... what happens ? I have no idea .... same for the 0.5V parameter.
Please help me to understand these seetings :)