
jokani avatar image
jokani asked

Orion-Tr Smart DC-DC Charger 12/12/18 - Battery Voltage

I am intending to install a Orion-Tr Smart DC-DC Charger 12/12/18 to charge an engine AGM battery from a lithium bank.

Also in the system is a Multiplus, BMS12/200, Cerbo and a Touch.

Two questions:

  1. Will the Orion report the engine battery voltage so that in can be seen on the Touch 50, or would I need a separate Smart Battery Sense?

  2. Would the engine battery benefit from a temp sensor being fitted?


orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Jokani,

more or less the same way like I do it on my yacht.

To answer your questions:

1. No. The Orion does not have a VE.Direct port and without you won't see starter battery voltage. A Smart Battery Sense or a BMV/Smart Shunt is required. The Smart Battery Sense again does not connect to the Cerbo, hence no voltage on the Touch. This requires a Bluetooth connection to VictronConnect app.

2. Yes, definitely. But be aware that the Orion is not (yet) Smart Network capable. The Smart Battery Sense will not report temperature to the Orion. This hopefully will become a feature sometime in the future.

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jokani avatar image jokani commented ·

Thanks for your advice, appreciated!

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justmurph avatar image
justmurph answered ·

Do you have a battery monitor for your house bank? Does it have a second input for monitoring a start battery, like the BMV 702 or 712?

I’m trying to achieve similar with my setup, where now that I have isolated start and house battery systems (no common earth), my BMV712 can’t read the start battery voltage. If my orion smart talked to the cerbo that would have been perfect. Unless you have an isolated system, the BMV712 would do the job.

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