
chrispendl avatar image
chrispendl asked

Generator Overrun with High AC Loads (Quattros)

I have two Quattros with a Color GX. I'm running into an issue when the generator is charging and I go to run large AC loads while the generator is charging. I get an overrun error because the Quattro tries to maintain the same charge current on top of the AC loads. Is there a way for the Quattro to reduce the charge current and pass through the power required to supply the AC loads?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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3 Answers
chrispendl avatar image
chrispendl answered ·

Thanks! It's set to AC2; I will do that!

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Is your generator on ac1 or ac2 in?

If it is ac2 (or separate ac to you main grid connection) then you can set up an assistant for it called charge current control so it will lower based on the ac input you use.

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chrispendl avatar image chrispendl commented ·

thank you!

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yannick avatar image
yannick answered ·

Did you set the ac current limit on ac2? If you did the quattro should automatically lower the charge current when the ac load rises

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chrispendl avatar image chrispendl commented ·
I'll take a look at the config next week. Thanks
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