Hello all! On April 6th we've released Venus OS version v2.65. It adds a feature which many distributors and installers have been looking forward to for a long time: being able to remotely update the firmware of our Inverter/chargers as well as Inverters: Multis, Quattros, MultiPlusses, and so forth.
The purpose of this topic is to have one - easy to update - place to confirm the latest status, issues and improvements.
Currently, the feature is still in beta, and clearly marked as such on the VRM Portal.
Current status:
UPDATED 2021-04-19: this feature has been used a lot, and without issues. Its no longer in beta; its now a normally available feature.
General advise:
Fully study the manual (link below) from the beginning to the end before you start. The inverter/charger is the heart of a Victron Energy system, during the update AC will be switched off for a while, as such comms. might be lost as well, and so forth and forth: its a super powerful feature but does require more care than -for example- firmware updating a Solar Charger.
Where to report issues:
Preferably by posting a question here below. We're monitoring this thread.
Updates 2021-04-19:
- Feature is no longer in beta.
Updates 2021-04-13:
- Venus OS v2.66 released officially. Has some minor stability improvements.
Updates 2021-04-09:
- Small bug in the VRM portal was fixed, that (sometimes) caused the final error message to not become visible. That could for example happen when uploading a settings template file without first merging the file in VE.Bus System Configurator
Updates 2021-04-07:
- Released Venus OS v2.66~1 for testing; with some minor stability updates for Remote VE.Bus firmware updates. There is no need to use that test version to update your inverter/charger firmware.
Updates 2021-04-06:
- Venus OS v2.65 released officially
Updates 2021-04-01:
- A new VE.Bus System Configurator tool version was released, adding the Merge function. See FAQ Q3 in above linked manual for what that is and what its for. And also this new version has a bugfix, to fix a crash when processing the settings template from a system with Quattros.
- Documentation and in-app texts are being updated wrt setting the charge current to zero after the update, since it works slightly different than was documented. Not the charge current is set to zero, but the charge voltages are set to the nominal battery voltage. Ie. both float and absorption are set to 12V for a 12V system, to 24V for a 24V system and 48V for a 48V system. We’re doing this instead of setting the current since this works better. Also, in a DVCC system, its good to know that these settings will be overruled by the managed battery; and thus the system will be charging, even though the settings havent been restored yet. Which is fine: there is no risk of battery being overcharged when the battery BMS is in charge via DVCC.
- The mechanism works stable. No known issue.
- The release of Venus OS v2.65, the version adding this new firmware update feature, has been delayed to after the Easter weekend.