I'm trying to troubleshoot my VRM portal connection that no longer works and I've seen that on the settings my portal id is not shown anymore.
My last connection was 5 months ago.
My internet connection works, but giving the command
root@ccgx:/log# wget --quiet -O- http://ccgxlogging.victronenergy.com/log/log.php
I get this message! : vrm: fail
The internet connection is ok
root@ccgx:/log# nslookup ccgxlogging.victronenergy.com
Address 1: localhost.localdomain
Name: ccgxlogging.victronenergy.com
Address 1: ec2-52-28-98-25.eu-central-1.compute.amazonaws.com
Can someone help me?
p.s. I have the last firmware on ccgx.