
marrott01 avatar image
marrott01 asked

12/3000/120-50 AC in/out voltage different?

Hi all, when the multiplus is turned off but connected to 50A shore I get 120V on AC in terminals but 115V on AC out terminals. Does the multiplus need to be turned on for it to pass through 120V shore power?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

When the MultiPlus is turned off, then the backfeed relay will open and it will not pass through shore power.

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marrott01 avatar image marrott01 commented ·

Thanks for quick reply. I do get 115VAC on AC-out on when its turned off just not 120VAC so is it not supposed to pass through at all or just at a limited voltage? I just installed the unit and want to make sure it's working correctly.


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