
davebrown avatar image
davebrown asked

No PV current

I am metering 4.5 amps on the incoming PV wires. 40.21 volts on the input side of the PV lugs. This is a Smartsolar 100/30.

With the bluetooth monitor it sees the voltage but 0.0 amps.

I've simplified the system so that I can diagnose it. I have

one 12v Renogy 100ah lithium battery

Two 100watt renogy mono panels wired in series for 24v nominal

Smartsolar 100/30 charge controller.

When I turn it on or make changes it will move into bulk for 2 or 3 flashes and then to absorption.

Any help?

input current
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2 Answers
netrange avatar image
netrange answered ·

What is connected on the Output of the mppt ... 12 , 24 or 48v System ?

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davebrown avatar image
davebrown answered ·

I solved it - stupid me. The one wire I was sure was okay was loose.

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