
esmeralda-wirtz avatar image
esmeralda-wirtz asked

Solar pannels giving low energy

Hello everyone,

Think there is an issue with my system. I have 4 solar pannels like this, connected in series.received-222289979112719.jpeg

They are connected in series on my victron

20210324-122726.jpgand it's connected to 2 batteries agm 12-170.

However, even with super sunny days the solar pannels only give very little energy and i don't understand why.


Like, this is a picture right now, with full sun on my pannels (they are positioned correctly). Why are they only giving 112W ??

I already checked if the wired are plugged in correctly and tried to read the victron manual many times, but i am an electricity noob.

If you know what's happening and how i could fix it i'd be so happy. This has been going on since i moved in here...

Thank you !!

MPPT ControllersSolar Panel
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Esmeralda Wirtz

At first sight you would appear to be in ~Float mode with a typical V of near fully charged batteries. Ignore that SOC for now, as if you haven't put some time in to tune it, then it is likely wrong. Where is that coming from? The Easy itself or a batt monitor?

To test your system, put on a decent load to the point your batt volts drop a little. The W from the panels should rise, if it doesn't then there's something amiss.

You say your panels are "in series". I hope not, as the Voc will be too high and will damage the mppt. Maybe they're 2S2P, but in any case check your panel V (on the CCGX will do).

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esmeralda-wirtz avatar image esmeralda-wirtz commented ·

Hello John, thank you so much for taking the time to answer.

Indeed it says it's in float mode... but why ? My batteries are <30% !

Even when my batteries are close to fully loaded it's just the same: very low energy seems to get in :(

Is this the pannel V ?


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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ esmeralda-wirtz commented ·

@Esmeralda Wirtz

Your panels are wired 2S2P, as they should be. And your batts are essentially fully charged, showing a ~Float V and 4.5A 'Tail' current. With your 170 Ah of batt that represents 2.6%, and Victron default on their battery monitors is <4% for synchronizing to 100% SOC.

So the only thing wrong with your system is an incorrectly reported SOC. You didn't say where that's coming from, but I'd assume the Multiplus. If you're not discharging your batts far enough regularly this source can drift heavily downwards and report incorrectly.

You could improve it by adjusting the settings in VEConfigure (VEBus) via VRM. If you haven't used VECon there's info on it here:

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