
maverick avatar image
maverick asked

Possible to install Venus OS on Raspberry Pi 3 A+?

Has anyone managed to install Venus OS on a 3 A+? I can see that the B and B+ is supported but can't find anything at all on the A+ model.

I'm looking to set up and connect the Pi to a BMV-712 and/or a MPPT, does it require connection via USB/ or is it possible to connect via Bluetooth instead?

I guess one major disadvantage of the A+ model is the lack of RJ45-port which probably makes the installation a bit harder. When installing Raspbian for example, you have the possibility to config the wifi before booting it up, is there a similar way on Venus OS to make it connect to wifi automatically?

Raspberry Pi
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2 Answers
danner85 avatar image
danner85 answered ·

I have found a post from an user saying that is possible by updating a script, if you don't venus os works but will not recive the VRM ID

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pcurtis avatar image
pcurtis answered ·

You should be able to do all the initial configuration including Wifi over Bluetooth with VictronConnect - I rarely use Ethernet.

A problem you may face is that the Pi 3A only has 1 USB port and the RPIs seem to have little spare power so you would probably need a powered USB expander if you need more than one VE.Direct interface.

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