
bomadsen avatar image
bomadsen asked

Cerbo GX/ GX Touch UI


I just completed a test assembly of the DC system for my new camper van (Multiplus, SmartShunt, SmartSolar charger, Cerbo GX, GX Touch), and I am not sure that I fully understand the Touch GX UI.

I have only been able to access to "screens", the graphical overview screen that is featured in all marketing material and a text based list of devices/options.

I was unable to "activate" anything on the graphical screen, that is nothing happened when I tried to push the icons representing the different that correct?

Also, are there really only the one graphical screen? no graphs/trends for parameters etc?

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @BoMadsen,

there is no feature to activate anything from the graphical screen - except that you can switch for example a generator on/off. All other settings/information come from the Device List.

You can swipe left/right on the graphical screen, which will give you a bit more information, depending on settings and installation.

Graphs/Trends you'll get on VRM, when you connect your GX device to the Internet.

Hope that helps.

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bomadsen avatar image bomadsen commented ·

Thank you Stefanie for the quick answer :)

Although not quite the answer I had hoped for. To be honest I was expecting a bit more from the kit.

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