
rjoshuar avatar image
rjoshuar asked

Recommended Charge Current

I'm looking at purchasing a 200Ah Lithium Smart Battery for my system, charged via solar (MPPT 100/30) and Alternator (Orion-Tr 12/30). I've noticed that the recommended charge for the 200Ah battery is less than or equal to 100A. Whereas the 100Ah battery is less than or equal to 50Ah which is closer to what I am expecting to charge with.

At the risk of sounding like I've already answered my own question am I better off with 2 x 100Ah batteries for this reason or is it perfectly acceptable to be charging the singular 200Ah well below the recommended minimum.


Lithium Battery
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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @rjoshuar,

no problem in charging the 200Ah battery with a lower current than the recommended charge current.

It just takes longer to charge and would take the same amount of time when charging 2x100Ah in parallel.

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rjoshuar avatar image rjoshuar commented ·

Thank you, much appreciated

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