
michelg avatar image
michelg asked

Cerbo GX disconnected from WiFi.

Hi everyone ! My Cerbo GX has been working fine during 6 months with 2.60 and later with 2.62 if I remember right.

It seems that for any reason it disconnected from the WiFi network yesterday and is unable to connect again to it. Usually when I was rebooting the router, it was connecting nicely, as soon as the WiFi was available.

Righ now, I can see it on the router scan area as "Venus+XYZ" using the Channel 1. I tried to change my WiFi network to Channel 1, in order to see if the Cerbo GX will reconnect, but it is not the case.

The distance between the router and Cerbo GX is 2m, and I did not change anything in the router's parametres. Being out of the country for still a period of 2 months, I have no more control over the Cerbo GX. Any idea how it could reconnect, or is it stucked in the "Venus+XYZ" mode ?

Thanks for any idea.



cerbo gx
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2 Answers
jbakuwel avatar image
jbakuwel answered ·

Hi @MichelG,

Can you see which nodes (clients) have associated with your Fritz!Box wireless AP/router?

The wireless network provided by your Cerbo GX can be switched on or off but should otherwise be independent of the Cerbo GX being a client on another wireless network.


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michelg avatar image michelg commented ·

HI Jbakuwel, thanks for your reply. In fact, the Cerbo GX updated itself to 2.62, and for any reason did not reconnect to the WiFi Network. The router is 2m away from it... Luckily I was able to contact a friend, and rebooted the Cerbo GX physically. (disconnecting the power supply).

Then I was able to reconnect, and did change a parameter (watchdog) in it, so if the Cerbo GX lose contact with the Router/VRM, it will restart alone.



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espoerer avatar image espoerer commented ·
I had the same problem, the solution in your answer changing that parameter works very well,....then I never again had a wifi disconnection....
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi MichelG, do you happen to have a GX Touch 50 display installed?

There is a hardware issue in the Cerbo GX, causing wifi issues when having the GX Touch 50 installed.

Details & solutions here:

my apologies for the trouble!!

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michelg avatar image michelg commented ·

Hi @mvader (Victron Energy), I have seen the information regarding the wifi issues, but I am not sure if it applies. The problem encountered did happen just after an automatic install of the 2.62 firmware, and finally a friend of mine just unplugged the power supply, wait for 30s, reconnect it, and the Cerbo GX was again online. I was able to check it, and modify also the reconnect option to wifi if contact to VRM was lost.

Thanks anyway.


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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ michelg commented ·

Hi Michel, yes, it could be related, or could not be related; quite hard to say.

Using the auto-reboot function is always good. And if you have a chance and are using a GX Touch 50, then I'd recommend fixing the antenna (or getting it fixed).

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