
woogieboogie avatar image
woogieboogie asked

How does the VRM Remote Console avoid no-data due to VRM keep-alive strategy?

I have a simple Python script that subscribes to the VRM SoC value. The problem is that it often doesn't get a value, it just waits, due, I think, to the keep-alive strategy of the VRM MQTT broker.

Running the VRM remote console on another device always kicks it into life and a value is retrieved. And of course the Remote console manages to retrieve values all the time.

So what is the remote console doing that kicks the MQTT broker into life? Whatever it is, I want to replicate that function in my code to always retrieve a value, not just when something changes.

remote console
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2 Answers
Teun Lassche avatar image
Teun Lassche answered ·

I think it’s not the remote console that does this, but the VRM dashboard. VRM sends keepalives for the installation you are currently looking at in order to show real-time data.

See for details

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woogieboogie avatar image woogieboogie commented ·

Hi - thanks for the reply.
I've read that section on keepalives before but it's unclear to me how to do it from Python.

I'm using the PAHO library and can "subscribe" and "publish" data points but your help section talks about using Mosquito (which I think is depreciated?) and also talks about "Read" and "Write" requests. I

can't see a way to issue a regular "Read" requests on that suggested point using PAHO? I can only see how to subscribe to changes, which is slightly different and doesn't keep the Keep-Alive alive.

So I'm still stuck I'm afraid.

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woogieboogie avatar image woogieboogie commented ·

Hi @Teun Lassche (Victron Energy Staff), thanks for your reply. I had read that section on keep-alives but my application won't have local access to my Venus to keep my local broker alive. I need to keep my local broker "alive" from over the internet, like the VRM does. But I can't figure out how the VRM manages it? Can you help? I'm at a brick-wall otherwise..

Cliff Hewett

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Teun Lassche avatar image
Teun Lassche answered ·

Hi @WoogieBoogie,

The keep alive concept is exactly the same for the local broker and the cloud broker, the only difference is the broker you connect to and the credentials you need to use. To connect to the victron cloud broker, see this section: and

The credentials are simply your VRM credentials

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