
bob-cook avatar image
bob-cook asked

Battery maintenance charging voltage

I have a Multiplus setup at my cabin with two AGM sealed batteries wired for 24v. I decided to remove the batteries when I winterized the cabin since I was concerned about charging when temps were below freezing. I had planned to maintenance charge them at my primary home during the winter but put it off. Now hoping I didn’t mess them up too bad and eeger to get them on a charge.

Question is can I hook them to a 12v charger in parallel while I have them off the system for winter? Or should I pick up a 24v charger to keep the batteries series charging in sync? Planning to purchase a blue smart charger as an “offline” charger but figured a 12v charger would have more purpose when not charging the cabin batteries.

Thanks Bob

battery charging
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1 Answer
michelg avatar image
michelg answered ·

Hi Bob, charge them one at a time, if there is a difference in their charge it won't damage them.

It will take longer, but it is much more safe.


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