I have 2x Multigrid II's in parallel with a Fronius 5kW AUS on the load side with the entire house. I have a BYD 10kWH battery in the IP56 cabinet
When first programmed and commissioned it seemed to work fine until the PV turned off, then the battery seemed to export to the grid.
The next morning, once the PV started back up, the battery re charged, but whatever the PV was putting into the battery, it was also importing the same amount from the grid into the battery. This went on for weeks with support from The Netherlands and Ciaram from My Energy SA trying to solve the issue. Eventually with Ciaram's help, we updated the firmware which had come out that day and we didn't have any issues.
Three weeks later after everything had been running smoothly, the Master Multi went out on overload and shut down power to the house. We have now bypassed the entire system and he is now back on grid only.
Nobody was home at the time this happened, the customer didn't know until he got home for lunch that day. According to VRM it happened about 0755 in the morning.
I have not yet been back to site since, and it won't let Ciaram remotely reset the Multi for some reason.
Has anyone else had a similar issue? What should I look for once I'm back on site?
Ciaram and Wayne from My Energy SA have been very helpful, but just thought I would ask on here as well.