
springbok avatar image
springbok asked

BMS for 56v alternator with LiFePo batteries

I have a Sprinter with a 48v, 7.2 kWh LiFePo battery system with 1200 watts of solar and am adding a 56v/160 amp alternator. The problem is I need a BMS that communicates both ways to disconnect the alternator as needed. Does Victron or anyone else have such a device for this application?

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1 Answer
nebulight avatar image
nebulight answered ·

REC-BMS talks to the Wakespeed WS500 regulator so that should do exactly what you need.

April 9, 2020
Wakespeed has completed live testing of its integration with the REC Active BMS. The cooperative effort between Wakespeed and Slovenian BMS manufacturer REC enables Wakespeed's WS500 alternator to share connectivity with the REC BMS via a CANbus interface. Through this CANbus connection, the BMS can actively control alternator-based charging to ensure safe and optimal charging of LiFeP04 battery banks.

This marks the third case of successful integration between the Wakespeed WS500 and factory BMS systems — the other proofed integrations are with Lithionics Batteries' Never-Die BMS and MG Energy's MG Master BMS.

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springbok avatar image springbok commented ·

Thank you.

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