
macca61 avatar image
macca61 asked

Modifying a wiring diagram

Hi does anybody have a wiring diagram similar to the Victron schematics thats editable i have tried some different programs but nothing looks anything near as good .



wiring diagram
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michaelvausr avatar image michaelvausr commented ·

I use sPlan for the wiring diagrams, this are electrical drawings to build a system. The topological drawings on the Victron site are -I think- done with Microsoft Visio. There are -as far as I know- no Visio symbols provided by Victron to tell apart official and private drawings.

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1 Answer
Michael Ziegler avatar image
Michael Ziegler answered ·

I have just spent the weekend working on a draft of my wiring system. I found a template already done by Victron as a PDF and then with PDF Pro edited the document ( see my work in progress) - when I was missing a component, I just went and found a Victron PDF with the component and copied and pasted into my working draft....also added photos of my generator to make it more personal - seemed to work really well....still learning...but it seems pretty straight forward.


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