
thijsdevries avatar image
thijsdevries asked

Can I access all device settings through a Cerbo-GX

Hi all, I'm quite new to all Victron products, but planning on purchasing a Cerbo-GX (with Touch 50) with a Multiplus, MPPT, Shunt, BMV and BP. I was wondering if I need to buy the smart-versions of these products (with Bluetooth connection) for easy installation or if I can just as simply access these device settings through the Cerbo-GX. If that is possible I can also buy the 'normal' versions instead of the 'smart' (Bluetooth) versions of these devices.

cerbo gx
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3 Answers
seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·
planning on purchasing a Cerbo-GX (with Touch 50) with a Multiplus, MPPT, Shunt, BMV and BP

If by "Shunt" you mean SmartShunt, then you get either that or BMV. Not both. They do the same thing.

Your Bluetooth question really only applies to the MPPT. Get the "Smart" version. You can access most of the settings via Cerbo GX (and VRM), but it's better to have direct access via Bluetooth if needed. The price difference is not that big.

What battery you plan to use?

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thijsdevries avatar image
thijsdevries answered ·

Hi @Seb71 Thanks! So regarding the BMV, I might as well buy a 700 instead of a 712. Regarding MPPT I'll make sure to buy a Smart one.

Another question regarding connecting to the Cerbo GX through Bluetooth. Is the internet connection on your smartphone used to upload log files to the VRM portal? Or is that only being done through a direct connection on the Cerbo GX itself (Wifi or Ethernet)?

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seb71 avatar image seb71 commented ·

Better get the SmartShunt instead of BMV. It does not have the display, but is cheaper.

Is this a mobile installation (vehicle or boat)?

If it is in a house, best way is to connect the Cerbo GX to your Internet Router (via UTP cable or WiFi) and then access it from a PC (or phone) either locally (remote Console) or with VRM.

Then you don't really need the Cerbo GX optional display.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·
2 |3000

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thijsdevries avatar image thijsdevries commented ·

Thanks. It should be possible to access settings of connected devices through the Touch 50 as well right? I mean locally, not through an internet connection?

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ thijsdevries commented ·

Unfortunately not. Locally at the GX Touch 50 without internet you can only access some historical information.

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