
jbakuwel avatar image
jbakuwel asked

Remote VE.Configure %%KEY_NOT_FOUND%% Error: 1303

Hi all,

I update the MP-II of one of our clients this afternoon via Remote VE.Configure.

While it seems it all worked nicely, I did get an error message and am wondering what it means.


Multiplus-IIVEConfigure 3
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1 Answer
Teun Lassche avatar image
Teun Lassche answered ·

Hi @jbakuwel,

The %%KEY_NOT_FOUND%% was a missing translation, which is now fixed.

Error 1303 indicates a timeout:

The site's two-way communication service stopped responding. Please verify the internet connection and/or try again

Which can happen when e.g. the internet fails somewhere in the process.

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jbakuwel avatar image jbakuwel commented ·

Hoi Teun,

Thanks for the quick reply and quick fix :-) !


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