
zcashio avatar image
zcashio asked

SmartSolar 100/20 not appearing in Bluetooth or app

I just recently installed this controller and instantly it started to charge the batteries, but would never appear in Bluetooth nor victron connect app. My SmartShunt immediately appeared and connected and is giving me my battery readings.
i should be able to have both in my system correct? What could be the issue?


MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


You should definitely be able to see the smart solar in the Victron connect app.

You could try disconnect the panels, disconnect the charger from the battery. Wait a few minutes, then reconnect everything.

There are some other troubleshooting tips in the link above.

If that does not work then take it back to your supplier.

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zcashio avatar image zcashio commented ·

Thank you, I’ll try that.

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zcashio avatar image zcashio commented ·

It worked, thank you.

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