
jacksun avatar image
jacksun asked

12v 18a DC to DC circuit breaker size

Just need to know what size circuit breaker to install at both ends..... battery being charged and the battery doing the charging via the DC to DC victron 12v 18a charger ? tks

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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

The manual gives recommendations of what cable size and rating of cable protection to use.

Check section 4.6 of the manual for more details:

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jacksun avatar image
jacksun answered ·

why 60a when the DC to DC is only 18a output?

tks for your reply

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ commented ·

The circuit breaker protects the cable.
The circuit breaker also needs overhead so that it will not nuisance trip with inrush currents or other such brief overloads.

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