
danc avatar image
danc asked

Orion-TR Smart DC-DC Chargers: smart/non-smart alternator compatibility?

  • The manual for the Non-Isolated version of the Orion-TR Smart charger (downloaded from Victron) includes instructions on how to set the charger for either "smart" or "non-smart" alternators. Those instructions are in a section of the manual that describes inn detail and with illustrations how to use VictronConnect to set various charger parameters, including type of alternator. But, the Manual downloaded from Victron for the Isolated version of the charger has no instructions at all on how to set the charger for use with a "non-smart" alternator. In fact, that manual appears to be an older and less complete version, compared to the manual for the Non-Isolated charger. For example there is almost no material explaining the VivctronConnect options. Is the Isolated charger manual simply incomplete, or is the Isolated charger itself not capable of easily being switched to use a "non-smart" alternator? Reading both manuals, it appears the Isolated version uses a much more complicated method of sampling the alternator output in order to control the charging function, compared to the method used by the Non-Isolated charger when used with a "non-smart" alternator. Is that impression correct? Thanks!

orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @DanC,

the isolated version of the Victron Orion-tr smart DC-DC charger is also compatible with non-smart alternators.

The engine detection setup is the same as with the non-isolated version.

See also Section 5 in the manual: Orion-Tr smart DC-DC Charger isolated

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danc avatar image
danc answered ·

Thanks, @stefanie I appreciate the quick response and especially the link to the most recent version of the charger manual. I downloaded the manual just a short time ago but it was the previous version which had mo information about using Victronconnect to choose between the setting for smart or non-smart alternator. I’ve now got the newest manual and see the setting choices are just the same as for the non-isolated charger. I also wrote to Bay Marine in California with my question, because they distribute the Victron products and post often in here. I received very prompt and helpful information from them as well. So I’m very impressed with how helpful the Victron community can be! Thanks again!

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