
isagone avatar image
isagone asked

BMV - 712 Filmware update


Did a update via Bluetooth

it got to 93% then got a failed message

Though I could restart But the update manager now says Im running latest version

But Bmv and iphone app now not showing State of charge or Consumed AH

BMV Battery Monitor
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1 Answer
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi Isagone, no worries: the firmware update was installed successfully; otherwise VictronConnect would have proposed to update the firmware again.

Looks like something went wrong in the last prt of the process, where the BMV restarts and then VictronConnect sets it back to the same SOC as before the update.

Solution: fully charge your battery to let the BMV “sync” to 100%

Best regards, Matthijs

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isagone avatar image isagone commented ·

Yes All working now Took a couple hours to get to full charge Thanks

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