A few month ago, I hade to change my GEL batteries by a lithium battery on my camper. The seller told my "you have a Cyrix, so you can have a lithium battery".
I know discover that the Cyrix-CT connect ALWAYS my lithum battery with the engine battery (...which is a lead battery of course)
==> The voltage of the two (very different) battery are always the same
==> When I strat my engine ON...the lithium battery always "helps" the engine battery"
==> Big problems for the future.
==> What solution can you propose to me?...I could replace ce Cyrix-CT by a Cyrix-Li-CT...but it is written on the manual that I need to have a Victron VEBus BMS https://www.victronenergy.com/upload/documents/Manual-Cyrix-Li-ion-120-A-EN.pdf
Thank you in advance