
benm avatar image
benm asked

MPPT solar regulator as DC 24V to DC 12V charger.

I have seen someone's diagram, in this diagram he use a MPPT 75/10 to charge a 12V battery out of 24V bank.

But this 12V system and 24V system have a common negative.

This means means the INPUT and OUTPUT negative from MPPT are shorted.

Is it possible to use the MPPT 75/10 for DC to DC charger in this application?

MPPT Controllers
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benm avatar image benm commented ·

Because the unanswerd answer from Boekel on febr 10, I send a email to Victron.

Here is the answer.


The mppt can not work as Dcdc converter with a common ground.

Best regards
Met vriendelijke groet

Johannes Boonstra
Sales Manager

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Andrew Jefferies avatar image Andrew Jefferies benm commented ·
meaning that the -veDC source & -veDC load (battery in this case) must not be connected via an external route.. I believe the -ve through the mppt is where the mppt current measurement shunt is fitted
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

It is possible to use it in that way, but like you say, the input is not isolated from the output - the negative is common.
Be aware that the MPPT will most likely run at full chat until the absorb Voltage is reached. If it's temperature goes too high then it might be a good idea to dial the charge current back a bit.

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benm avatar image benm commented ·

Thanks for your answer. Input and output don't need to be isolated.

But you are 100% sure, the MPPT will not burnout?

Without seeing the internal diagram I can not prove myself, thats why I ask.

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boekel avatar image
boekel answered ·

Can someone from Victron confirm what MPPT's can function as a DC-DC converter with a common ground? There is another recent topic about the same question.

I tried opening a 150/35 but I don't think I can open it without damaging.

If there is current measuring with a shunt on the negative side, then it is not possible to use as DC-DC converter if there is a common ground between input and output.

@mvader (Victron Energy Staff) / @Guy Stewart (Victron Energy Staff)

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