
tim22 avatar image
tim22 asked

Orion TR Smart 12 | 12-18 isolated wiring question

I want to install the Orion TR Smart 12 | 12-18 isolated not because it is isolated but because an 18A non isolated version is not available. I am planning to use it to charge my start FLA battery from a LiFePO4 house bank when needed. My question is can the two negatives be combined as shown in the attached drawing.



Orion wiring detail.pdf

orion-tr smart
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8 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi Tim again,

yes you can combine both battery negative as per your diagram. That's how I did it in my installation as well.

Hope that helps.

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tim22 avatar image tim22 commented ·

Thanks again @Stefanie

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motorhomer avatar image
motorhomer answered ·

Just to let you all know, I have same setup and have spoken to Victron technical. It will all work ok with a common ground on the isolation B2B, it will just loose the isolation protection

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randy-putnam avatar image
randy-putnam answered ·

The difference between isolated and non isolated when it comes to grounding is that isolated have separate grounds for each bank, and non isolated have one common ground. I’d say you don’t want to combine grounds on an isolated unit.

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tim22 avatar image tim22 commented ·

Hi @randy-putnam

Are you saying that combining the two grounds will not work, or just that the batteries will no longer be isolated.


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randy-putnam avatar image randy-putnam tim22 commented ·

Check out this video from Battle Born. Hope that helps.

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link-cat avatar image
link-cat answered ·

I have the same question to make, as the smartshunt requires the negative of the starter battery connected to the loads negative (to the shunt) I have connected the negative of the starter battery to the negative busbar, i was thinking that I can wire the orion imput negative from the busbar to the orion-tr, and the orion negative output to the busbar.

Thanks for all

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sergiour avatar image
sergiour answered ·

I don't think it is a problem to use the same negative. In the boats the negatives of the different banks are connected.

simultaneous charging isolator works with positives. The negative is common.

I am going to mount 2 Orion TR Smart 18 + 30A in parallel to go from 250 AGM battery to the lithium bank from the alternator charge.

I understand that the 2 banks are isolated?

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motorhomer avatar image
motorhomer answered ·

Hi guys, I have same issue, I have isolating DC-DC converter but now I would like to keep both negatives together. I have lead acid starter battery and Lithium leisure battery so not sure if this will make any problems.

The van is wired with negative together from dealer and has a shared fridge negative. I could try isolate everything but it would be easier to keep them together.

I have emailed Victron support to see what they say. I was wondering with common negative does the controller still switch on automatically and still charge correctly

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danieljs avatar image
danieljs answered ·


En un Booster Orión tr smart 12/12-18a.

de cuantos seran los fusibles de proteccion?

miEn el de 30a se instalan de 60a,interpretó que en uno de 18a debería de ser de 30a o de 40?

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pfleu avatar image
pfleu answered ·

Reviving the subject..! :D

Could I do that then, to save some wire and still kind of keep the ''isolation protection ''part of the unit ? screenshot-20240430-152453-samsung-notes.jpg

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·
The "isolation protection" comment was a misnomer, there's not any sort of protection, only isolated vs non-isolated. In your photo above, you're installing an isolated version in a non-isolated scenario, and thus will have a non-isolated setup, but the charger will work just fine as long as your chassis ground connections are good.
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pfleu avatar image pfleu Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·

Ah, ok. What I understood was that the ''isolation'' in question was in fact a way to regulate current from both input and output while keeping those circuits isolated from each other in case there was dirty current from the vehicle battery that could affect the output to the leisure batt/batt bank. Doing it this way to be sure that both currents were clean. Thanks for your comment, greatly appreciated.

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