
Bernhard Boser avatar image
Bernhard Boser asked

Multiplus 3000 - ratings

Questions regarding Multiplus3000:

  • Is there a 48vdc version suitable for 110V ac? I have no use for the dual ac input of the quattro.
  • Can I set the input current limit low enough for a 600W generator? (It’s 1200W, but I live at high altitude and use propane).

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

1. No, there is no 48Vdc 3000VA 120Vac MultiPlus available, so you will need to use the Quattro.

2. The lowest input current limit for the 48Vdc 3000VA Quattro is 7.4A -> 888W.

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Bernhard Boser avatar image
Bernhard Boser answered ·

Thanks for this response. I'll get a smaller 24V MultiPlus. The information I found in the datasheets about minimum current limit is a bit incomplete (I may not have looked in the correct place).

For the 24/2000: Remark: lowest allowable current setting for PowerAssist: 8,5A*. (8,5A per unit in case of parallel operation) * Applies only when PowerAssist is enabled. No information about the limit without PowerAssist.

The Multi Control manual seems to contradict this: "When PowerAssist is enabled there is a minimum AC input current limit of approximately 2-3Amp per device. Setting a lower limit than this minimum will result in the minimum limit. This is normal Multi/Quattro behavior." If that applies all may be fine.

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