
jack2006 avatar image
jack2006 asked

Phoenix charger software version 1410120 not supported Mk2 USB and veconfigure

We have a Phoenix 24/25 battery charger with version 1410120 firmware loaded onto it. Initialy tried using our Mk3 USB to connect but no luck. Then tried our Mk2 USB using the Ve-Configure software as detailed for this range of firmware but again no luck.

Thje message coming back is "Software version: 1410120 is not supported!". The Mk2 USB is obviously reading the firmware version from the IC in the charger to give the correct serial number and the ve-connect is the software detailed on Victron website so no idea what the issue is.....................anyone got any thoughts?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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3 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

have you tried getting the latest firmware for that model and then using VEFlash to upgrade It, then the VE config may work.

I have never worked on that model before so above is just a possibility

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jack2006 avatar image
jack2006 answered ·

Thanks Paul you are right and I should have updated my post as I found this out the day after when reading Victron info again.

If I had spent a bit longer checking the firmware versions supported in veconnect I would have seen that the error message was correct. The newer version with the MK2 USB works fine with the later version. Tried my Mk3 but that does not connect though and from the Victron website they seem to suggest they both are the same? anyway its not a problem.

Going through the Victron whitepapers at the moment to determine the registers to read/write the Vebus data as ultimate intention is to run my Victron equipment via a Raspberry pi when it finally gets installed in my motorhome conversion. Not off to a good start though by not taking time to read the info!

Thanks for your help, John

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Paul B avatar image Paul B commented ·

Seriously look at a Multiplus as big as you can afford / need, and a Cerdo GX unit. this has a VERY new System called Node Red and Signal K and is Raspberry pi compatible as well. lost of support and help around. and many people using it

They have /ARe adding a new Venus Large OS that you can use the product as a Server for Signal K etc.

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jack2006 avatar image
jack2006 answered ·

Brought quite a few components already over the Christmas break with the 'black friday offers'.

The system I intend to put together is based on 24V using solar panels, the minibus 12V alternator which is the intelligent type and probably lithium batteries.

Components I have so far are:-

Orion TR smart charger isolated 12V to 24V 15A

Smartsolar charge controller MPPT 150/35

Qty 4 Victron solar panels 115W-12V

Phoenix 5000W/24V inverter

and the Victron charger that I already have 24V 25A @ 240V supply

For current and voltage monitoring I was going to build my own as I am an electronics engineer and so using the A/D converters on the Raspbberry pi 'hat I/O module' seemed the most cost effective.

I know its a bit of a mix but the plan is to control as much as possible via the Raspberry pi's touchscreen. Because the Orion charger is bluetooth coms only I was wondering if I used the Cerbo GX unit (as you have suggested) to perhaps do the bluetooth link to the Orion and rest using VeBus.

I will have a look at the Node Red and signal K as you suggest.

Thanks for your advice,


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