Hello, I've bought a Blue Smart IP65 hoping I would find adjustable settings like maximum current and voltage for different phases of charging.
In advanced settings voltage can be adjusted, that's true.
However, there is no current adjustment option! I can only select 4A or 15A maximum current.
My battery (Ca/Ca) vendor recommends charging at 0.1C of the battery. Now I have 2 batteries: 60 & 80 A*h.
How can I select maximum current 6 & 8 A*h?
4A*h is obviously too little while 15A*h is too much.
It would be great if in following upgrades it would be possible to adjust current as well for different phases of charging.
A second improvement would be to add an option to do intelligent switching to FLOAT phase on adjustable current value. For example when after ABS phase current drops to 0.01C - switch to float.