I have a BYD pro 10 KWH with 3 Quattro 5 KW system. The system was working fine till it was switched off to remove the faulty Smart solar.
After restarting the system the BYD pro is not shown in Venus /VRM
@BYD_service Interestingly the run light on BMU is constantly on - also the 4 units of B-Plus have steady lights - The battery does not switch off and remains on till manually swicthed off
I still did the following to see if it will solve the problem but no improvement
1, changed the addressing of batteries instead of 1-234, made it 4-3-2-1
2. Removed and reseated all cables after cleaning with contact cleaner
3. replaced the BMU to CCGX cable (self-made) with another cable (self-made) It confirms to Type A pinout
4. updated CCGX to the latest release candidate
5. Switched off battery completely waited 10-15 minutes ( no lights on on BMU and B-Plus) and restarted the battery
6. The battery accepts the charge or discharge if I switch on the Quattros
7. In the coming days I will change to official TYPE A cabel to be sure
short of trying a different BMU or CCGX is there any other option i can try?
It will 1-2 weeks before I can get another BMU . Can I run the system using Allowed to charge and allowed to discharged contacts in normal mode after switching off ESS. Since my 250./20 Smart solar also requires repair /replacement the loads will be mainly supplied by grid or generator