Hi, we have an off-grid installation and have ordered 2 units of B-Box 10.5 LV batteries. After orderind we saw Victron blogs with next info:
Is that mean that the only way is to change the batteries for example to B-Box Pro? We plan to use it with Fronius Symo 15.0 + solar panels + Quattro 10000 (3 units) in 3 phase system.
Now we have next situation: when we turn on the B-Box L without any consumers it wors ok, after that we connect color control GX and it found the B-BoxL and show all the spec. But when we turned on th B Box L alredy with connected CCGX the battery goes into error.
So the question should we change the batteries? And why the similar B-Box pro is ok for off-grid and B-Box L is not suited?
Thank you!