
xsilvergs avatar image
xsilvergs asked

MCP3208 Tank Name

I am using a MCP3208 with a Raspberry Pi and wish to change the tank sensor name. I think this modification was written by @Rob Duthie .

Any information would be appreciated.

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie commented ·


Yes you can change the name in the new version from 2.60 on in the device list page.


Rob D

NZVictron Raspi Hat.pdf

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victron-raspi-hat.pdf (674.1 KiB)
xsilvergs avatar image xsilvergs Rob Duthie commented ·

@Rob Duthie, thanks for getting back to me. I can't see how using Node-Red v2.6-large-image-7 on a RPi3 B+. Please have have a look at this post of mine.

I don't know if I need to install a new .qml file.

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