
mworl avatar image
mworl asked

Auto Transformer split phase, neutral bond question

I have a 230v MP2 feeding an auto transformer for 120/240v split phase to the panel. It is currently connected to the hot legs of 120/240 shore power, shore neutral not connected to anything.

I have a 3200w iso transformer on the way to step up 120v shore power and remove the incoming neutral-ground bond.

In either of the above scenarios I do not take on the shore neutral. Am I correct that I need a N-G bond after the AT 100% of the time, not just when the MP2 is inverting and activates the relay?

Next question:

I noticed that after the AT my legs have different voltages, ~120 and ~126. L1-G reads ~3v higher voltage than L1-N as expected, however L2-N is ~3v higher than L2-G. N-G is ~3v.

Edit to add: As I am passing through shore power with the inverter in charge only mode the internal ground-neutral relay is not functioning. When my ve bus to usb adapter arrives I will disable the relay entirely if my solution of a hardwired bond is acceptable.

To experiment I created a N-G bond with a jumper at the AT output. Now L1-N = L1-G and L2-N = L2-G. N-G = a few mV with the jumper in place. However L2 still 6v higher than L1. Is this normal?

Anyone see any safety issues here? I can not think of any situation where I would not want N-G bonded on board with this setup.

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2 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Your problems occur because the incoming feed has neutral bonded to safety ground before you get it. The autotransformer essentially makes a "different" neutral based on incoming offset between L1 and L2 relative to INCOMING neutral. Any L1/L2 load differences could also offset your OUTGOING neutral.

There should never be a connection between incoming neutral and outgoing neutral or between either neutral and safety ground as long as shore power is in use. There is no direct bond between outgoing neutral and safety ground nor should you attempt one.

The internal safety ground/neutral will connect L2 or L1 to safety ground and should be disabled.

When shore power is not being used (AC input relay open), then you need to provide a neutral to safety ground at the output of the autotransformer.

Adding an isolation transformer changes everything since it will sever the shore power neutral/safety ground. With the isolation transformer at the input of the multi, you will need to bond the autotransformer neutral tap to safety ground and insure the Multi's internal safety ground relay is disabled. The bond needs to be active when on shore power or not.

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mworl avatar image mworl commented ·

Ah that makes sense! Thank you for this explanation.

So 120v through the isolation transformer will work as I expected but when I am pulling 240v off a split phase (even without the neutral) the existing load imbalances between L1 and L2 before it gets to me are offsetting my created neutral.

But why does my on board L2 read a higher voltage to neutral than ground while L1 is the reverse? Is this also a result of the upstream N-G bond?

It seems that my best option may be to simply pull from only one leg through the isolation transformer even when 240v is available. I dont actually need the full 12kva, especially with power assist available from the MP2. I have enough room for a 5kva isolation transformer.

If I need to run my welder at high amperage or decide to add an on demand water heater I can plug them directly into shore power independently of the on board grid.

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Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·


Whats needed in your system is that the isolation transformer is essential here.

The transformer will isolate the system from the grid which allows you to create your own grounding system

The secondary side from the isolation transformer (the side which is connected to the multi) should NOT have the ground bounding as you want to threat the two lines as 2 x phase 240V floating from ground.

In the Multi you do the same, so ground relay OFF, as in inverter mode also the 2 x phase keeps floating from ground.

On the At you create the system N, that's the centre tab. So that centre tab needs to be bounded to ground. Then the whole system has a common N and L1/L2 with each 120V to ground. Rcd and such should work fine. So NOT connect loads before the Multi !!

second question, do NOT use the transformer with a centre tab to ground bound when you don't have an isolation transformer as then the AT will try balance the grid, which will be a recopy for smoke.

there can be a voltage difference depending on current flowing through the windings, 1-5 Vac isn't an issue I would say )

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mworl avatar image mworl commented ·

Thank you for the response. I'll be putting a 10kva isolation transformer at the shore input.

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