I have spent many hours and days to make my offgrid system to perform an equalization charge on my OPZS batteries. I am now almost absolutely certain that my system will never manage to perform it properly unless Victron makes changes to the process. To be more specific.
I have a Multiplus 24/5000 an MPPT 150/70 (2000W panels installed) and a fronius 3.0 (5000W panels installed) on the ac out.
If I programm the MPPT to perform an automatic equalization, it will start the process after it has finished the absorption face. But as soon as the voltage increases the ac coupled Fronius dicreases its output to 0W and stops taking care of the AC loads of the house. So the MPPT power is distributed to the AC loads and what is left tries to equalize the battery. If the ac loads increase the things get even worse! The Fronius continues to give 0W an the the demand of the AC load comes from the MPPT and from the battery! So although there is plenty of solar power to manage the load and perform the equalization the fronius stays closed and the battery starts to discharge! Even if the volatge of the battery drops bellow the float voltage, the fronius stll stays closed!
If I manually start an equalization on the Multiplus together with the MPPT, thing are better, but the Fronius only gives a small percentage of the loads and does not give its full power.
If on the other hand I try to start an equalization only on the Multiplus from the CCGX, then the MPPT switches of and the fronius has to take care of the loads and the equalization at the same time.
This is very disappointing ! Practically my batteries will never equalize and they will be finally damaged.
Is there any change that Victron will improve the firmware of the Multiplus so it can take care of the loads when the MPPT is trying to equalize?
In the pictures below you can see that the MPPT is trying to cover the loads and the equalization while Fronius is closed.