Equipment installed:
1x Quattro 24/5000/120-2x100
2x SmartSolar MPPT Charger (150/85 rev2)
1x CCGX firmware v2.60
12x AGM batteries
12x PV panels
I want to capture temperature readings for the building where the equipment above is installed and since I already use Modbus to enable/disable the Quattro charger I looked for a suitable Modbus register to query. This would avoid having to get a separate sensor and could integrate with my existing scripts pretty easily.
The only obvious setting in the Modbus register list XLSX that returns anything is Modbus ID 246 Addr 61 ("Battery temperature") and since the value increases quickly by up to 7 when the batteries are being charged, I am guessing a temperature sensor is being heated by the Quattro charger which operates between 0030 and 0430 every night. There is no sensor or BMS on the batteries themselves so it is not related to the temperature of the batteries. For some reason the returned value takes much longer to drop down again once the charger is off.
The reading seems to give me what I want, so I think I am happy with it but it niggles that I don't know exactly where it comes from. Can anyone confirm that Modbus ID 246 Addr 61 is returning temperature from a sensor in the Quattro located above the charger? Or is it returning something completely different?
Many thanks,