
Herve RV Nizard avatar image
Herve RV Nizard asked

Veconfigure difficulties

I would appreciate some assistance or feed back on VeConfigure . I don't know if I am the only one but I am experiencing difficulties to configure each time I try to. This week only , 3 times on 3 different installations with 2 different laptop PC and trying with 2 different MK3/USB adaptors and 3 different Victron RJ45 cables. I may be doing something wrong ?

This is what I do.

- disconnect CCGX or Cerbo

- Insert RJ45 on Vebus port of multi or quattro

- Open Veconfigure on laptop

- connect rj45 end to MK3/USB adaptor

- connect USB end to laptop

- in Ve configure, go to PORT/SELECT PORT/AUTO SELECT.

- system look for ports. Dots appear one after the other while searching .

From there , 2 different scenarios :

A/ no port is found. Get a popup. Help on communication. That's it

B/ Get a popup. MK3 detected. But the usual VEConfigure tabs do not appear. Nothing happens from there !

So I experienced these 2 issues this's not the first time. These 2 installations are NOT connected to the internet so I cannot change settings via vrm. I need to change VS settings.

Grateful for some assistance or feed back. Hate thus situation in front of a customer !

Thanks and best regards.

VEConfigure 3
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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Check in the Windows device manager if there is any device with a yellow triangle.
If there is a yellow triangle try the procedure I described in your last question.

If there is everything fine try in VEconfig to select the port directly instead of "auto detect".

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Herve RV Nizard avatar image
Herve RV Nizard answered ·

Thanks @Matthias. That yellow triangle is my next plan when I return on site. I am not a windows user so not very familiar with all these. I have copied the procedure you sent me. I have tried once selecting the port. That's when the system found it and confirmed the MK3 detected but nothing happened then !

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markus avatar image markus ♦♦ commented ·

Maybe there is some message window covered by the main program window. This happened quite some times for me lately and leads to exact the situation you described in B.).

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Herve RV Nizard avatar image Herve RV Nizard markus ♦♦ commented ·

Thank you Markus. Interesting. Not sure I understand correctly what do you mean by "some message window covered by the program window" ? Do you mean the VEConfig usual window could be hidden behind ?

I will double check this today.

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markus avatar image markus ♦♦ Herve RV Nizard commented ·

I mean a "message window" like "no assistants found" etc.

try to drag the Ve.configure main program window away, so it does not cover a message window.

Or try move your mouse over the Ve.config icon in the taskbar, the message window should be previewed then.

VE.configure is not operational until you click OK on that message.


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Herve RV Nizard avatar image
Herve RV Nizard answered ·

I responded on the other port. You solved my problem with your yellow triangle (!) And clear explanations. Sincere thanks

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