
Herve RV Nizard avatar image
Herve RV Nizard asked

Veconfigure difficulties

I would appreciate some assistance or feed back on VeConfigure . I don't know if I am the only one but I am experiencing difficulties to configure each time I try to. This week only , 3 times on 3 different installations with 2 different laptop PC and trying with 2 different MK3/USB adaptors and 3 different Victron RJ45 cables. I may be doing something wrong ?

This is what I do.

- disconnect CCGX or Cerbo

- Insert RJ45 on Vebus port of multi or quattro

- Open Veconfigure on laptop

- connect rj45 end to MK3/USB adaptor

- connect USB end to laptop

- in Ve configure, go to PORT/SELECT PORT/AUTO SELECT.

- system look for ports. Dots appear one after the other while searching .

From there , 2 different scenarios :

A/ no port is found. Get a popup. Help on communication. That's it

B/ Get a popup. MK3 detected. But the usual VEConfigure tabs do not appear. Nothing happens from there !

So I experienced these 2 issues this's not the first time. These 2 installations are NOT connected to the internet so I cannot change settings via vrm. I need to change VS settings.

Grateful for some assistance or feed back. Hate thus situation in front of a customer !

Thanks and best regards.

VEConfigure 3
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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Check in the Windows device manager if there is any device with a yellow triangle.
If there is a yellow triangle try the procedure I described in your last question.

If there is everything fine try in VEconfig to select the port directly instead of "auto detect".

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Herve RV Nizard avatar image
Herve RV Nizard answered ·

Thanks @Matthias. That yellow triangle is my next plan when I return on site. I am not a windows user so not very familiar with all these. I have copied the procedure you sent me. I have tried once selecting the port. That's when the system found it and confirmed the MK3 detected but nothing happened then !

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markus avatar image markus ♦♦ commented ·

Maybe there is some message window covered by the main program window. This happened quite some times for me lately and leads to exact the situation you described in B.).

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Herve RV Nizard avatar image
Herve RV Nizard answered ·

I responded on the other port. You solved my problem with your yellow triangle (!) And clear explanations. Sincere thanks

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