
Jairus Onsafari avatar image
Jairus Onsafari asked

No more real time data

img-20201226-082944.jpgIt's been a while since i got "Real time data", just this link down error

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2 Answers
ray-mont avatar image
ray-mont answered ·

@Jairus Onsafari

l just checked it

and here it’s working

404c5e9d-c8d3-41de-8f17-357b141d7c54.jpegnice X-mas


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Jairus Onsafari avatar image Jairus Onsafari commented ·

Ok..I haven't had live data in over a month other than the "2-3 minutes data transmission.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ Jairus Onsafari commented ·

@Jairus Onsafari

It's usually network and internet related. Where we are the realtime monitoring also comes and goes.

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Jairus Onsafari avatar image Jairus Onsafari Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Ok. Thanks for the info

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ Jairus Onsafari commented ·

What GX device do you have? What have you connected to it?
As already mentioned, what internet connection do you have?

If you have a weak internet connection and/or the GX device is to busy (many devices connected to it) the live data can be disabled.

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Jairus Onsafari avatar image Jairus Onsafari Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

I have a CGX. Yes all ports occupied (3 MPPTs) 1 Smart BMV12. But it worked well when I first set it up. Only this month's I've noticed live data rarely shows

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sijtze-de-boer avatar image
sijtze-de-boer answered ·

I have the same results last couple of months.
After starting up the console the real time date is there!
I am sure something is changed on the Victron portal.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

@Sijtze de Boer

There have been quite a few VRM enhancements recently.

Please post a more detailed problem description in a new thread so it can be checked and passed on to the developers if necessary.

If you don't mind saying, your country may also help.

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