
texascharlie avatar image
texascharlie asked

Digital Multi Control lights (LEDs) - Inverter light flashes blue

What does it mean when the Inverter light on the DMC flashes blue and the Mains light is solid blue. ALL other lights on the DMC are off.

Situation: DMC connected to MultiPlus 120/3k. SmartSolar 150/100 producing power at 600W. RV connected to mains power, but I’ve turned down the DMC limiter to 10A so that the MPPT will draw max power from the panels (to test array output).

At 10A limited the Mains light on DMC is solid blue and the Inverter light flashes blue. All other lights are off. I assume the MultiPlus is neither inverting nor charging. What is the meaning of the Inverter LED flashing blue?

I don’t see any explanation in the DMC manual.


Multiplus-IIDigital Multi Control
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2 Answers
hvdt avatar image
hvdt answered ·

I assume you see the same behaviour at your multiplus? In this case the meaning is:

Power assist

The AC input is switched through and the load requires more current than the maximum input current as set with a remote control panel or VEConfigure. The inverter is switched on and synchronized with the AC input, supplying the extra required power from the batteries.

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texascharlie avatar image texascharlie commented ·

That makes sense. I’ll check the lights on the MultiPlus which I assume will confirm. Thanks!

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tmartin000 avatar image
tmartin000 answered ·

I wish there was an easy way to have the Multi to only charge batteries while it is comfortably inverting, at a preset discharged percentage,....say 60% remaining.

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