Dear all,
let me ask you about the possible electrical benefit of 3 pairs of MC4s.
In the production manual nor on any official video is given this explanation.
Does it mean:
-each PLUS MC4 and each MINUS MC4 is internally connected on the board short so it only can accept 3 identical PV arrays with same voltage, same current, same place orientation to the sun so only PLUS is using it as a parallel point to eliminate thick cabling?
- it enables connection of max 3 independent PV arrays with different voltage and roof orientation and has advantage like multi MPPTs so one chain is 220 V orientated to the east and second chain to south with 150 V and third chain with 180 V to the West?
I really hope it is the second option as I would really welcome it. :-)
If not I have to use several MPPT 250/100-MC4 VE.Can for each array. :-(
Thank you for your answers and experience sharing.